Contributions to Exercism
Exercism is a programming language learning platform.
People can hone their coding skills and practice new languages by working on programming exercises mentored by Exercism community members.
I’m mentoring students and I’ve contributed to the contents of several exercises.
See them here
- Programming
- JavaScript
- Ruby
CRT Scanlines Effect
An effect and animation that adds a retro, cathode ray tube look to any web page that you apply it to.
It uses just pure CSS3. Includes two designs and a rolling scan animation.
Buy it here
Contributions to The Odin Project
The Odin Project is an open-source curriculum for learning full-stack web development.
I’ve made various small contribututions to its lessons.
See them here
Battleship game versus the computer. The player can place and rotate their ships on the map, then trade blows with the opponnent.
The computer uses a heuristic to evaluate possible moves and choose the best one.
Play it here
Social networking website built with Ruby on Rails. It’s meant as an exercise in building a full backend and frontend platform.
Check it out here
- Ruby on Rails
- Tailwind CSS